Upcoming Dance Events


Every friday we meet in Chalmers Union Building, right in front of J.A Pripps. We have an open playlist, which naturally an generally turns a bit chaotic, which is why we lovingly refer to our Fridays as “Chaos Fridays”. We frequently see dances such as Bugg, West Coast Swing, Salsa, Bachata, Lindy Hop, Argentine Tango and Ballroom dances in our hangouts. Sometimes we’ve even seen Burlesque dancing and Bollywood dancing – you never know what might show up! Feel free to bring your own dance: we are many that are eager to see and try out new things!

Our Friday’s are an unofficial arrangement by volunteering members of CSDA and completely FREE and open for EVERYONE. WELCOME!

Starting: 10th January 2025

Location: In front of J.A Pripps, Chalmers Union Building

19:30PM – until we get tired
( generally around 1 AM)

J.A. Pripps Collaboration

♥️ For this Chaos Friday we’ve teamed up with J.A. Pripps for a Valentine collaboration! ♥️
To make J.A. Pripps the perfect date night location we’ll offer two drop in Waltz courses of 30 minutes.
The courses cover the basics and are suitable for beginners.
Both the courses cover the same content and starts 19:00 and 21:00! ♥️
Learn the basics of Waltz and join our Waltz themed Valentines Friday Chaos hangout in between! (Every Friday we meet in Chalmers Union Building, right in front of J.A Pripps. We have an open playlist, which naturally and generally turns a bit chaotic, which is why we lovingly refer to our Fridays as “Chaos Fridays”.)
Here you can meet, dance and socialize with fellow dancers from all over the world. Obviously you don’t even need to be a dancer to join us, maybe you’re just curious about dance and our community and want to hang out!
♥️♥️This event is FREE and open for EVERYONE! ♥️♥️
For more information about our Fridays see our standard event for our Chaos Fridays.
14th of January 2025

Location: In front of J.A Pripps, Chalmers Union Building

19.00 and 21.00

Every Second Sunday: West Coast Swing Sundays

More information coming soon.

23rd of February

Location: Scaniasalen, Chalmers Union Building “Kårhuset”


ESN Collaboration

Coming soon.

28th of February

Location: Scaniasalen, Chalmers Union Building “Kårhuset”


Beginners /continuation Bugg Course

More information under “Classes”. 

31st of March

Beginners /continuation West Coast Swing Course

More information under “Classes”. 

2nd of April